Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ini semua POYO

"kenapa kena pakai tdung labuh? Ini semua POYO"

After the monorail reached at Bukit Bintang station, my roomate,wanie and I continue our journey to Pavillion .After we've been 'jailed' for 3 weeks in Bandar Baru Enstek,it's the time for us to be free..hoorayy.

On the way there,suddenly I heard a sound from a group of teenager.They're holding each other's hand.Male and female.

"kenapa kena pakai tdung labuh?" one of the teenager asking his/her friends(I'm not sure which one of them)

After that, all of them replying the question with the same sentence."ini semua poyo"

"korang mengata ak dgn roomate ak ker?". That's how i feel, as I looked there's no one who wear a long hijab except me and my roomate.

They pass us without a single glance...

#Kesian, tak sempatt nak belajar beradab kot.

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